New data available in NTGS geochemistry compilation
Pre-competitive Northern Territory Geological Survey (NTGS) acquired geochemistry compilation is now available for download as DIP042.
Improving NTGS systems: GEMIS enhancements
GEMIS (Geoscience Exploration and Mining Information System), the online delivery system for open file company reports and NTGS products, has recently been enhanced to make it more user friendly.
Highest quarterly mineral exploration expenditure ever recorded in the NT
Territory's critical minerals driving record exploration expenditure with $74.1 million recorded in the September quarter 2023.
Registrations for AGES 2024 now open!
Registrations are now open for the Annual Geoscience and Exploration Seminary (AGES) being held in Alice Springs on April 16 - 17 2024.
Preliminary gravity data available from NTGS Pedirka Basin survey
Preliminary data for a newly acquired regional scale preliminary gravity survey across the Warburton / Pedirka / Eromanga basins in the southeastern NT has been released, providing new insights to the basin architecture of these Palaeozoic stacked basins.
Mine waste study assesses secondary prospectivity in the Pine Creek Orogen
A new mine waste characterisation study at Mount Bonnie–Iron Blow and Brocks Creek in the polymetallic Pine Creek Orogen, undertaken by the Sustainable Minerals Institute, highlights prospectivity for critical minerals plus insights into methods for recovery.
New stratigraphic study of the Pedirka Basin
Revised lithostratigraphy of the glacial, fluvioglacial, fluvial, lacustrine and continental redbed formations of the Pedirka Basin in the southeastern NT has led to improved stratigraphic correlations and understanding of energy resource potential for the Northern Territory.
Late Palaeoproterozoic stratigraphic successions described and correlated across the greater McArthur Basin
New evidence of correlations across the fertile Palaeoproterozoic stratigraphy of the greater McArthur Basin is identified in the latest release of stratigraphic characterisation of the Glyde package within the Birrindudu Basin, Tomkinson Province and McArthur Basin.
Neoproterozoic stratigraphy in the Beetaloo Sub-basin re-assigned to the Georgina Basin
Systematic investigation into informally named and described, unexposed stratigraphic succession overlying the Mesoproterozoic Roper Group in the Beetaloo Sub-basin has led to formalised definitions and re-assignment to the Neoproterozoic to Palaeozoic Georgina Basin.
Collaborative seismic to unlock the understanding of western greater McArthur Basin
Geoscience Australia and NTGS have collaboratively acquired the Northwest Northern Territory Seismic Survey (L214) across the Birrindudu Basin and into the northern Tanami region.