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Conventional oil and gas

The currently producing Amadeus Basin contains the Northern Territory's largest reserves of conventional gas and oil.


Conventional oil and gas is the term for a petroleum accumulation of naturally occurring oil and gas that has migrated from a source rock into a geological trap containing a porous and permeable reservoir.

These petroleum systems are often termed 'conventional' as they have a long history in petroleum oil and gas exploration. Conventional oil and gas petroleum systems have a typically limited and localised extent in comparison with unconventional systems, though generally easy to locate and have low costs to develop.


Conventional oil and gas is currently being produced from the Amadeus Basin and there is potential for other conventional accumulations across the basin.

The McArthur Group of the McArthur Basin as well as the Bonaparte Basin have known conventional oil and gas accumulations and are at advanced stages of exploration.

The Pedrika Basin and Georgina Basin make up some of the prospective frontier basins that remain largely underexplored by world standards.

Links to more information

Download the Conventional oil and gas factsheet PDF (1.7 MB).

View onshore exploration and production map in the NT PDF (1.3 MB).

View the current NT onshore petroleum titles and land status map PDF (4.2 MB).

Petroleum regulation is administered by the Department of Mining and Energy. All tenure information and regulatory requirements can be found on the NT Government website.

View the distribution of petroleum wells and seismic lines and download attributed spatial data across the Territory's onshore basins through the Northern Territory Geological Survey's (NTGS) online web mapping system STRIKE.