
Phosphate and Potash

The Northern Territory contains Australia’s largest undeveloped phosphate resources.
Pickaxe statistic icon
JORC resources - rock phosphate
2.11 billion tonnes of rock phosphate (10% P2O5 cut-off); 330 Mt contained P2O5
Coin statistic icon
JORC resources - potash
8.4 million tonnes potassium sulfate


The Georgina Basin is a world-class phosphate province with numerous large Cambrian sedimentary phosphorite deposits in both the Northern Territory and Queensland. The Territory has Australia’s largest undeveloped rock phosphate deposits in the Georgina Basin, including Verdant Minerals Ltd’s Ammaroo deposit and Avenira Ltd’s Wonarah deposit. These deposits comprise high-tonnage, near-surface sedimentary phosphorite. The resources have potential for near-term production of rock phosphate as direct shipping ore, with potential for value added products including yellow phosphorus, phosphoric acid, ammonium fertilisers and LFP cathode material. Potential exists for further phosphate discoveries in the vast Georgina and Wiso basins.

The Nolans rare earths deposit in the Aileron Province near Aileron, is hosted within fluorapatite, and contains 11% phosphate. A definitive feasibility study by Arafura Resources has proposed annual production of 144,400 tonnes of merchant grade phosphoric acid as a by-product of rare earths processing.

Significant potential for potash resources occurs within brines in aquifers associated with salt lakes in Central Australia as well as in evaporitic deposits within the Neoproterozoic to Palaeozoic Amadeus Basin. The Karinga Lakes potash project, southwest of Alice Springs, contains hundreds of salt lakes with associated sub-surface brines enriched in salts containing potassium, magnesium and sulfate.

Read the phosphate and potash factsheet PDF (2.4 MB)


Geological ProvinceNameResourceCompany
Aileron Province Nolans 56 Mt @ 2.6% REO, 11% P2O5Arafura Rare Earths Ltd
Geological ProvinceNameResourceCompany
Georgina BasinAmmaroo1,141 Mt @ 14% P2O5 (10% cut off); 338Mt @ 18% P2O5 (15% cut off)Verdant Minerals Ltd
Georgina BasinWonarah812 Mt @ 18.1% P2O5 (15% cut-off); 66 Mt @ 30% P2O5 (27% cut-off)Avenira Ltd
Geological ProvinceNameResourceCompany
Georgina BasinHighland Plains53 Mt @ 16% P2O5Gibb River Diamonds Ltd
Amadeus BasinKaringa Lakes129 Mt @ 0.463% K2O (in-situ brine resource)No current operator

More information

  • Kruse et al 2013. Georgina Basin. In Geology and mineral resources of the Northern Territory. NTGS Special Publication 5, Chapter 28.
  • Khan et al 2007. Phosphate testing of waterbores and diamond drillcore in the Georgina, Wiso and Daly basins, Northern Territory. NTGS Record 2007-003.

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Mineral Sands
Phosphate and Potash
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