Snapshot of the Territory's resource industry
Resource statistics are compiled from Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade figures from legislative requirements, Treasury figures and Australia Bureau of Statistics figures. They highlight a thriving industry contributing significantly to the economy of the Northern Territory.
Download the resource statistics factsheet PDF (571.4 KB).
Contribution to NT economy
- Value of mining sector in the Territory: $8.1 billion
- Gross State Product: 28%
- Direct jobs: 4093
- Royalties paid: $209 million
- Value of Mineral Production: $4.32 billion
- Operating mines: 7
- Developing projects: 20
- Projected capex: $6.9 billion
- Projected construction jobs: 4500
- Projected operational jobs: 3500
- Mineral exploration expenditure: $227.4 million
- Mineral tenure:
- Exploration leases (EL) at 1 Jan 2024: 1077 (down from 1083 on 1 Jan 2023)
- EL granted coverage NT: 22.6%
- EL under application at 1 Jan 2024: 701
- EL under application coverage NT: 21.8%
- EL applications received (2023): 178 (down from 202 in 2023)
- EL applications granted (2023): 107 (down from 192 in 2023)
- Onshore petroleum production: 13.71 Bcf Gas and 0.12 MMbbl Oil
- Petroleum Exploration expenditure: $84.6 million
- Onshore gas contingent resources: 6512 Bcsf
- Petroleum tenure:
- Exploration permits (EP): 37
- Retention licences: 3
- Production licences: 5
- Pipeline licences: 29
Record of comparable figures
Statistic | 2023-24 | 2022-23 | 2021-22 | 2020-21 |
Value of mining sector (mining only) | not released | $8.1 billion | $5.74 billion ($9.9 billion re-based) | $5.1 billion |
GSP (mining only) | not released | 28% | 22% (31% re-based) | 20% |
Direct jobs (mining only) | not released | 4093 | 3500 (Deloitte 2019-20) | 3070 |
Royalties (budget papers estimate) | $209 million | not released | $353 million | $344 million |
Value of mineral production | $4.32 billion | $4.38 billion | $4.86 billion | $4.28 billion |
Mineral exploration expenditure | $227.4 million | $200.1 million | $171.5 million | $128.3 million |
Onshore gas contingent resources | not released | 6512 Bcsf gas | 8957 Bcsf gas | 7933 Bcsf gas |
Rebase figures explained by ABS: