

NT critical minerals guide 2025 release

The updated guide includes the latest resource inventory and emerging potential for the Territory's critical minerals.

Exploration grants available to support new geoscience in the Territory

Round 18 of the Geophysics and Drilling Collaborations program is now open for applications through GrantsNT. The program co-funds a broad range of eligible exploration activities and makes the data and information publicly available to help drive further exploration.

Characterising the stratigraphy of the Pine Creek Orogen

A new NTGS record is available providing detailed petrographic descriptions of key samples from the Pine Creek Orogen

NTGS promoting opportunities in the Territory at PDAC

NTGS will be attending Prospectors and Developers Convention of Canada (PDAC) on 2-5 March showcasing Northern Territory opportunities at the world's largest mining conference.

Enhanced gravity coverage boosts exploration potential in the Pine Creek region

NTGS is progressively releasing preliminary ground gravity data for the NTGS Pine Creek Ground Gravity Survey. The survey covers 40 000 km2 of highly prospective polymetallic terrain.


Assessing secondary prospectivity in the polymetallic Pine Creek region

A new mine waste characterisation study at the Cosmo mine site, undertaken in partnership with University of Queensland's Sustainable Minerals Institute, provides insights on previously untested critical minerals and potential methods for recovery.


AGES 2025 registrations are now open

The NT's premier exploration event is open for registrations. AGES will be held in Alice Springs on 8 to 9 April 2025. Book for the technical conference, dinner, Greater McArthur Basin Special Session and workshops now.

Improved access to geochemical data from Industry reports archive

NTGS' latest biannual update of Northern Territory Drilling and Geochemical Datasets (DIP001) introduces significant enhancements to available industry geochemical data, focussing on improved accessibility and usability of the industry collected data to support exploration success in the Territory.

New legacy exploration data available on STRIKE over the Top End

Legacy data capture is now complete over the Darwin 1:250 000 map sheet. Additional data from close to 200 company reports, including 2350 drillhole, 21,810 down-hole geochemical samples and 21,960 surface samples is available to download from STRIKE.

Reinvigorating prospectivity for geothermal power generation in the Northern Territory

NTGS release a collaborative study with Hot Dry Rocks Pty Ltd on the prospectivity for geothermal power generation in the Northern Territory.