
The Territory is Australia’s only lithium producer outside of Western Australia and is well-placed to help meet longer term lithium demand.
mining art statistic icon
2023-24 production
209,000 tonnes
Truck statistic icon
Value of production in 2023-24
$189.3 million


The Territory has significant lithium resources and exploration potential associated with spodumene-bearing pegmatites in the Bynoe pegmatite field, located close to the port of Darwin, where the Territory’s first lithium mine was in production till June 2024.

Ongoing exploration by multiple companies continues to grow the resource base in the Bynoe field. Core Lithium Ltd, Lithium Plus Minerals Ltd, Ragusa Minerals Ltd, Charger Metals NL, Evergreen Lithium Ltd and DeSoto Resources Ltd are having early-stage exploration success for lithium in the Pine Creek Orogen, including the Bynoe field.

Numerous earlier stage exploration projects are also underway in the Barrow Creek and Anningie pegmatite fields in the Aileron Province of Central Australia. Askari Metals Ltd, Australasian Metals Ltd, Encounter Resources Ltd, Core Lithium Ltd, Eastern Metals Ltd, Lithium Springs Ltd, Oceana Lithium Ltd and Tivan Ltd are exploring in the Aileron Province in central Australia including the Barrow Creek and Anningie pegmatite fields. Indications of new spodumene-bearing pegmatites in the Reynolds Range, west of Ti Tree, have recently been announced by iTech Minerals Ltd (in joint venture with Prodigy Gold NL).

Download the Lithium opportunities factsheet PDF (1.5 MB).


Core Lithium Ltd commenced production at the Territory’s first lithium mine at the Finniss project near Darwin in late 2022. Mining has progressed at the Grants open pit mine with production guidance of 90–95 kt of spodumene concentrate in 2023/24, plus 46 kt of lithium fines. Concentrate is trucked 88 km to Darwin Port for export. The operation went into care and maintenance in June 2024.

An updated feasibility study is on hold at BP33 deposit, with exploration and resource growth a key focus for the company in 2024.

Geological ProvinceName Annual productionResourceCompany
Pine Creek Orogen Finniss209,166 tonnes (2023-24) 48.2 Mt @ 1.26% Li2O Core Lithium Ltd
Geological ProvinceNameResourceCompany
Pine Creek OrogenBP3310.5 Mt @ 1.53% Li2O (included in FInniss global resource)Core Lithium Ltd
Geological ProvinceNameResource Company
Pine Creek OrogenLei4.09 Mt @ 1.43% Li2OLithium Plus Minerals Ltd
Grants (Finniss)2.32 Mt @ 1.45% Li2OCore Lithium Ltd
Carlton (Finniss)6.34 Mt @ 1.30% Li2O
Lees (Finniss)11.2 Mt @ 1.14% Li2O
Ah Hoy (Finniss)4.64 Mt @ 1.31% Li2O
Booths (Finniss)3.24 Mt @ 1.02% Li2O
Penfolds (Finniss)1.36 Mt @ 1.24% Li2O
Hang Gong (Finniss)3.46 Mt @ 1.16% Li2O
Sandras (Finniss)1.73 Mt @ 0.89% Li2O
Bilatos (Finniss)1.92 Mt @ 1.03% Li2O
Seadog (Finniss)1.41 Mt @ 1.81% Li2O
Geological ProvinceName Exploration results Company
Pine Creek OrogenFinniss BP33: 90.17 m @ 1.80% Li2O
Ah Hoy:  40 m @ 1.42% Li2O
Blackbeard: 63m @ 1.67% Li2O
Seadog: 8 m @ 1.3% Li2O
Core Lithium Ltd
Lei50 m @ 1.83% Li2OLithium Plus Minerals Ltd
Perseverance19 m @ 1.58% Li2O
Enterprise5 m @ 1.13% Li2OCharger Metals Ltd

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Operating mine
Care and maintenance
In approvals process
Under feasibility
JORC resource
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