Previous Initiatives showing drilling


The Northern Territory has a long history of uranium mining and has some of Australia’s most significant and highest grade uranium deposits.


Exploration for uranium made a strong recovery in 2023-2024. Most uranium production in the Northern Territory (NT) has been from the Alligator Rivers Uranium Field in the eastern Pine Creek Orogen.   Uranium mining in the NT commenced in 1953 in the Rum Jungle and South Alligator fields, and a second phase of mining in the Alligator Rivers uranium field near Jabiru commenced in 1980 and ended with the closure of the Ranger uranium mine in January 2021.   Energy Resources of Australia Ltd ceased production at the Ranger uranium mine after a 40 year mine life that produced over 132,000 tonnes of U3O8. The mine is now undergoing rehabilitation that is due to be completed in 2026.

The Alligator Rivers field contains unconformity-related uranium deposits that locally contain more than 100,000 tonnes contained U3O8, with grades generally in the range 0.2-2% U3O8. These deposits, which include Ranger, Jabiluka, Koongarra and Nabarlek, are typically hosted within the Palaeoproterozoic basement of the Cahill Formation (Pine Creek Orogen), close to the unconformity with the basal MacArthur Basin.

Current exploration in the Alligator Rivers field is focussed in western Arnhem Land, where a maiden resource was announced at the Angularli deposit in 2018. Elsewhere in the Pine Creek Orogen, smaller but locally high-grade vein-style and other basement-hosted uranium deposits occur in the South Alligator, Rum Jungle and Hayes Creek uranium fields.

Sandstone-type deposits occur in Palaeozoic sediments in the Ngalia and Amadeus basins in central Australia. The largest of these deposits are the Angela deposit in the Amadeus Basin and the Bigrlyi deposit in the Ngalia Basin. Cenozoic palaeochannel-hosted uranium has also been identified in the Ngalia Basin area, and has the potential to become an important exploration target in Central Australia.

There are also significant uranium occurrences in the basal southern McArthur Basin and underlying basement of the Murphy Province, close to the Westmoreland uranium deposit which occurs in adjacent regions of Queensland.

The Aileron Province, Warramunga Province and Tanami Region contain known uranium prospects and locally uranium-enriched granites. These provinces and overlying basins and palaeochannels represent greenfields uranium exploration targets.

Read the uranium factsheet PDF (2.2 MB)

mining art statistic icon
Total production
146 597 tonnes uranium oxide
Truck statistic icon
2021-22 production
0 tonnes (ceased production)
Pickaxe statistic icon
Remaining JORC resources
>2000 tonnes uranium oxide
Coin statistic icon
Value of production in 2021-22
$166 million


Pine Creek Orogen
Name Ranger 
CompanyEnergy Resources Australia Pty Ltd
Pine Creek Orogen Ranger  Energy Resources Australia Pty Ltd
Ngalia Basin
Resource7.94 Mt @ 0.137% U3O8 0.127% V2O
CompanyEnergy Metals Ltd
Ngalia BasinBigrlyi7.94 Mt @ 0.137% U3O8 0.127% V2OEnergy Metals Ltd
Aileron Province
Resource9.5 Mt @ 0.038% U3O8
CompnayCore Lithium Ltd
Amadeus Basin
Resource10.7 Mt @ 0.13% U3O8
CompnayElevate Uranium Ltd
Murphy Province
Resource0.54 Mt @ 0.12% U3O8
CompnayUAU Pty Ltd
Ngalia Basin
Resource22 Mt @ 0.015% U3O8
CompnayEnergy Metals Ltd
Ngalia Basin
Resource0.42 Mt @ 0.13% U3O8
CompnayEnergy Metals Ltd
Ngalia Basin
Resource10.98 Mt @ 0.064% U3O8
CompnayEnergy Metals Ltd
Pine Creek Orogen
Resource1.37 Mt @ 1.09% U3O8
CompnayDeep Yellow Ltd
Pine Creek Orogen
Resource1.05 Mt @ 0.08% U3O8
CompnayPNX Metals Ltd
Pine Creek Orogen
NameTin Camp Creek
Resource0.94 Mt @ 0.31% U3O8
CompnayAlligator Energy Ltd
Pine Creek Orogen
Resource6.8 Mt @ 0.035% U3O8 
CompnayKingsland Minerals Ltd
Aileron ProvinceNapperby9.5 Mt @ 0.038% U3O8Core Lithium Ltd
Amadeus BasinAngela10.7 Mt @ 0.13% U3O8Elevate Uranium Ltd
Murphy ProvinceEva0.54 Mt @ 0.12% U3O8UAU Pty Ltd
Ngalia BasinCappers22 Mt @ 0.015% U3O8Energy Metals Ltd
Ngalia BasinMalawiri0.42 Mt @ 0.13% U3O8Energy Metals Ltd
Ngalia BasinWalbiri10.98 Mt @ 0.064% U3O8Energy Metals Ltd
Pine Creek OrogenAngularli1.37 Mt @ 1.09% U3O8Deep Yellow Ltd
Pine Creek OrogenThunderball1.05 Mt @ 0.08% U3O8PNX Metals Ltd
Pine Creek OrogenTin Camp Creek0.94 Mt @ 0.31% U3O8Alligator Energy Ltd
Pine Creek OrogenCleo6.8 Mt @ 0.035% U3O8 Kingsland Minerals Ltd
Ngalia Basin
Exploration result

Anomaly 4: 10.6 m @ 0.86% U3O8

Anomaly 2: 5.1m @ 0.45% U3O8

CompanyEnergy Metals Ltd
Pine Creek Orogen
Exploration result10.3 m @ 1.03% U3O8
CompanyDeep Yellow Ltd
Pine Creek Orogen
Exploration result23 m @ 0.132% U3O8
CompanyKingsland Minerals Ltd
Pine Creek Orogen
NameNabarlek North
Exploration result13 m @ 0.28% U3O8
CompanyDevEx Resources Pty Ltd
Pine Creek Orogen
Exploration result5 m @ 0.54% U3O8 
CompanyDevEx Resources Pty Ltd
Pine Creek Orogen
Exploration result15 m @ 1.35% U3O8 (historic intercept)
CompanyPatronus Resources Ltd
RegionNameExploration resultCompany
Ngalia BasinBigrlyi

Anomaly 4: 10.6 m @ 0.86% U3O8

Anomaly 2: 5.1m @ 0.45% U3O8

Energy Metals Ltd
Pine Creek OrogenAngularli10.3 m @ 1.03% U3O8Deep Yellow Ltd
Pine Creek OrogenCleo23 m @ 0.132% U3O8Kingsland Minerals Ltd
Pine Creek OrogenNabarlek North13 m @ 0.28% U3O8DevEx Resources Pty Ltd
Pine Creek OrogenU405 m @ 0.54% U3O8 DevEx Resources Pty Ltd
Pine Creek OrogenThunderball15 m @ 1.35% U3O8 (historic intercept)Patronus Resources Ltd

More information

  • Lally and Bajwah 2006. Uranium deposits of the Northern Territory. NTGS Report 20.
  • Sinclair P 2019. Refreshing the Alligator River Uranium Field exploration toolkit - Angularli and Such Wow, AGES 2019 Proceedings Volume.
  • Smith BP 2018. Mineralogy variations in the Mamadawerre Sandstone, Kombolgie Subgroup at Angularli Uranium Prospect: Applications to exploration in other areas, AGES 2018 Proceedings Volume.
  • Schmid et al 2012. JSU Ngalia Basin Uranium Mineral System Project, NTGS Record 2012-003.
  • Potma et al 2012. JSU-ERA Ranger Mineral System Project, NTGS Record 2012-004.
  • Search for further NTGS publications on uranium.

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Operating mine
Care and maintenance
In approvals process
Under feasibility
JORC resource
Exploration highlight
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