Bauxite in hand


The Northern Territory contains a number of lateritic bauxite deposits along its northern coastline. There are two bauxite mines in operation in the Northern Territory, both near Nhulunbuy in eastern Arnhem Land.
mining art statistic icon
Total production
335 million tonnes
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2023-24 production
12.6 million tonnes
Pickaxe statistic icon
Remaining JORC resources
>67.4 Mt @ 49.7% Al2O3
Coin statistic icon
Value of production in 2023-24
$702 million
Paper statistic icon
Production ranking in Australia


The Carpentaria Basin contains Rio Tinto Alcan’s Gove mine which accounts for nearly all past bauxite production and 90% of identified bauxite resources in the Northern Territory (NT). A smaller Aboriginal-owned mining operation at the Dhupuma Plateau near Gove commenced operation in 2017.

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Rio Tinto's Gove bauxite mine near Nhulunbuy has been in production in the Carpentaria Basin since 1971. Alumina production at Gove ceased in 2014, with the operation reverting to direct export of bauxite. Bauxite at Gove averages 3.7m in thickness and occurs in deeply lateritised, dissected plateau remnants overlying the Cretaceous Yirrkala Formation. The gibbsitic bauxite is low in silica (3% reactive SiO2) and is mainly pisolitic and tubular in nature.

Geological ProvinceNameAnnual productionResourceCompany
Carpentaria BasinGove11.6 Mt bauxite
(2023 Annual Report)
67.4 Mt @ 49.7% Al2O3Rio Tinto

Gulkula Mining Pty Ltd operates Dhupuma Plateau, a second bauxite mine in the Carpentaira Basin, near Gove immediately south of the Gove mineral lease. The Aboriginal-owned Gulkula Mining Pty Ltd opened in August 2017 and has reached a full annual production of 0.7 to 0.8 Mtpa bauxite, and  is expected to continue for a projected 15 year mine life.

The mine is associated with a Mining Training Centre for local Aboriginal people, established with the support of Rio Tinto. The ore is sold to Rio Tinto’s Gove operation.

Geological ProvinceNameAnnual productionResourceCompany
Carpentaria BasinDhupuma PlateauAverage production rate of 0.7 to 0.8 million tonnes per annumJORC resource not publicly announcedGulkula Mining Pty Ltd


Other companies with exploration licence applications for bauxite in the NT include:

More information

  • Ferenczi 2001. Iron Ore, Manganese and bauxite deposits of the NT NTGS Report 13.

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Operating mine
Care and maintenance
In approvals process
Under feasibility
JORC resource
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Critical Minerals
Mineral Sands
Phosphate and Potash
Zinc, Lead and Silver