New legacy exploration data available on STRIKE over the Top End

As part of the ongoing legacy data capture program, NTGS has released industry exploration data from two 1:100,000 maps sheets, Mary River and Point Stuart, completing the digitisation of historic drilling and geochemistry data for the Darwin 1:250,000 map sheet.

The latest release comprises geo-located data digitally captured from reviewing close to 200 company reports.  This data includes 2350 drillhole collars, 21,810 down-hole samples with geochemical results and 21,960 stream sediment, soil and rock chip samples with associated geochemical assays.

The program continues its focus on the Pine Creek region with 820 company reports presently being reviewed and digitised for the Batchelor 1:100,000 map sheet, planned for release prior to AGES 2025.

For the latest release of NT surface sample geochemistry and drillhole locations download in MapInfo tab, KML, ESRI shapefile and csv file formats from the STRIKE website.

NOTE: The latest data will be included in the next version of DIP001: Northern Territory Drilling and Geochemical Datasets, due for release in late 2024.  DIP001 will feature a major update in the inclusion of complete ‘raw’ assay files and laboratory metadata (where available) exported from the NTGS’ geochemical database.