A newly released study on the geological storage potential for carbon dioxide, hydrogen and compressed air across several of the Northern Territory’s onshore basins represents the culmination of a collaborative and multidisciplinary project with CSIRO.
This new NTGS Record entails a high-level examination of the Amadeus, Bonaparte (onshore), Georgina, McArthur (including the Beetaloo Sub-basin) and Ngalia basins, including an assessment of their geological storage potential across hydrocarbon reservoirs, saline aquifers and salt diapirs.
This study collates and synthesises much of the available stratigraphic and petrophysical data for these basins into a series of regional prospectivity maps, identifying and ranking potential plays for carbon capture and storage (CCS), underground hydrogen storage (UHS) and compressed air energy storage (CAES)”. Furthermore, this study identifies several prospective sites for further investigation, and provides recommendations for future data acquisition programs to further quantify the geological storage potential of the Northern Territory’s onshore basins.
Download NTGS Record 2024-005: CO2, H2 and compressed air energy storage site screening study - selected onshore basins in the Northern Territory through GEMIS.