The NTGS Pedirka Ground Gravity Survey has acquired over 11 000 gravity readings at 2 and 4 km station spacing in the southeast of the Northern Territory. The survey covers an area of approximately 61 000 km2 stretching from the NT, QLD and SA borders to almost 150 km southeast of Alice Springs. The survey was funded through the Northern Territory Government's Resourcing the Territory program with industry contributions funding acquisition of almost 2700 of these stations. Contract management for the survey was undertaken by Geoscience Australia in collaboration with NTGS.
The preliminary data is now available for download from NTGS' FTP site. Final data and products will be released at a later stage once final quality assurance has been completed.
This is preliminary data that has not undergone final quality control. The Northern Territory of Australia give no warranty or assurance, and make no representation as to the accuracy of any information or advice contained in this publication, or that it is suitable for your intended use. You should not rely upon information in this publication for the purpose of making any serious business or investment decisions without obtaining independent and/or professional advice in relation to your particular situation. The Northern Territory of Australia disclaim any liability or responsibility or duty of care towards any person for loss or damage caused by any use of, or reliance on the information contained in this publication.
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Please observe and retain any copyright or related notices that accompany this material and give attribution to: Northern Territory of Australia (NT Geological Survey) and the Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia), 2022.
The data package will consist of:
* CSV format file containing the gravity observations
* Grids of elevation and Bouguer Anomaly (including 1VD)
* Geotiff’s of the stations, elevation and Bouguer Anomaly (including 1VD)