The next in the series of video presentations from AGES 2023 focusses on critical minerals in the Territory.
Carl Spandler from University of Adelaide highlights the emerging potential of two styles of basin-hosted rare earth element (REE) mineralisation that may occur in the Northern Territory. The mineralisation models include phosphorite-hosted REE mineralisation and unconformity-related REE mineralisation. Watch Rare earth element mineral systems of significance to the NT by Carl Spandler.
Jo Whelan from NTGS presents a case study of the Arthur Pope’s vein-hosted REE–Y–Cu prospect, proposing an alternative model to the previously documented carbonatite-related mineralisation. New geochemical and isotopic data, coupled with geological setting indicate the veins at Arthur Pope’s share similarities with REE-bearing veins and breccias associated with unconformity-related mineralisation in the Tanami Region. These findings indicate potential for this type of mineralisation more broadly through central Australia. Watch Demystifying the Arthurs Pope REE prospect by Jo Whelan.
Kam Bhowany from Sustainable Minerals Institute, University of Queensland presents findings from work undertaken in collaboration with NTGS to characterise the secondary prospectivity of mine waste in Pine Creek Orogen. The preliminary findings suggest a number of sites have elevated concentrations of critical minerals, particularly antimony associated with iron oxide waste at Mount Bonnie and Iron Blow. Watch Secondary prospectivity of mine waste in the Pine Creek region: The search for critical metals by Kam Bhowany.
Video presentations on Mineral systems will be next in the series. For more information, visit AGES.