NTGS release spectral reflectance atlas of rocks from the Tennant Creek region


NTGS Record 2022-006 Atlas of spectral reflectance rock characteristics, Tennant Creek is now available for download. The Atlas summarises mineralogy derived from spectral reflectance data to characterise a comprehensive range of metasedimentary, ironstone, altered and intrusive rocks from key deposits and locations across the Tennant Creek mineral field.

The Atlas aims to assess the mineral and textural results to generate greater insights about lithology and mineralogy changes in type example rock units in the Tennant Creek mineral field. This Atlas is based on imagery and spectra of 186 samples of ‘typical’ Tennant Creek mineral field rocks that have been scanned with the HyLogger™ instrument; and comprises 92 plates with mineralogy results, spectral characteristics and comparisons between visually logged and spectrally derived mineralogy.

Download the full record and all data from GEMIS.